Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kanye West vs G.W. vs Matt Lauer vs The World


What is the world coming to? In the latest pop-political tryst, Kanye West finds himself smack dab in the middle of controversy, again, but this time his opponents are G.W and Matt Lauer?! Lets start from the beginning.

We can all agree that throughout his 8 years in the White House a lot of crappy things went down, and now, for the first time post-presidency, Bush is finally speaking out. In his upcoming memoir Decision Points, Bush admitted that the "all-time low point" during his presidency, was when Kanye West went off prompter at the Katrina telethon and declared, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

I don't know about you, but G.W. is slowly starting to become my favorite comedian! I mean really, this guy is hilarious. Forget 9/11, Katrina, and even that awkward moment when he got stuck at that huge door in China (see link in case you forgot, it's a good one)

I don't  mean to steal Kanye's shine with the Bushisms, this post is about him afterall.

As this saga continues and in an effort to makes amends, Kanye made an appearance on The Today Show this morning to, amongst other things, "man up" to his mistakes and apologize for branding the former president as a "racist" in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. As the interview progressed and producers began to roll footage of the infamous 2009 VMA's mic-grabbing snafu, things started to get real and Kanye shifted his hate parade onto Matt Lauer!  "Yo, how am I supposed to talk if you gonna run this thing in the middle, while I'm talking? "Please don't let that happen again, it's like ridiculous." Lauer, who in an effort to assure Mr. West, that this was standard practice, didn't realize of course that the damage was done. Kanye was pissed.

But it doesn't stop there of course, because this is Kanye we're talking about! Immediately following the Today Show meltdown seen 'round the world, Kanye took to the Twittersphere proclaiming:  "I DON'T TRUST ANYONE BUT MYSELF! EVERYONE HAS AN AGENDA. I CAN'T BE EVERYTHING TO EVERYBODY ANYMORE." My apologies for All-Caps, but I think it helped emphasize Kanye's point a little better.

The point of this story is this:

1. Kanye West is an asshole.
2. When is Bravo going to pick this love triangle up for a reality show?
3. GW, please let us know when you start doing stand up at Comix, I'll be there.

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